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2. Zeros in free-free matrix elements

We begin by writing the non-relativistic dipole bremsstrahlung matrix element for a spin-less electron

M_{fi}^{\rm nrd} = \int \psi_2^* \left({\vec\epsilon}^{\,*}\cdot\vec p\right)\psi_1
\end{displaymath} (1)

where $\psi_2$ and $\psi_1$ are continuum solutions of the full three dimensional Schrödinger equation representing the initial and final states of the electron respectively, $\epsilon$ is the photon polarization vector and $\vec p$ is the momentum operator (as discussed, for example, in [4]). The partial wave decomposed form of this matrix element is written [4],
$\displaystyle {M^{\rm nrd}_{fi}}$ = $\displaystyle (ik/p_1p_2)\sum_m(\hat\epsilon)^*_m
\sum_{l_1,m_1,l_2,m_2} \left[...
$\displaystyle \quad\times Y_{l_1,m_1}^*(\hat p_1)
Y_{l_2,m_2}(\hat p_2) R_{l_1,l_2}(E_1,E_2)$  
$\displaystyle \quad\left.\times\sqrt{3(2l_1+1)\over 4\pi(2l_2+1)}
\left<l_11;00\vert l_11;l_20\right> \left<l_11;m_1m\vert l_11;l_2m_2\right>\right],$ (2)

where the ionic Coulombic phase shift

\sigma_l = \arg \Gamma(l+1+i\eta_{\rm ion}),
\end{displaymath} (3)

$\delta_l$ is the (energy dependent) short range phase shift, $\eta_{\rm ion} = -Z_{ion}/p$ is the Coulomb parameter corresponding to the ionic charge $Z_{\rm ion}$( $\eta_{\rm ion}=\sigma_l\equiv0$ for a neutral atom), $\vec p_{1,2}$ are the electron momenta (with magnitudes p1,2) and the unit vectors $\hat p_{1,2} = \vec
p_{1,2}/p_{1,2}$), $\hat \epsilon$ is a unit vector in the direction of the photon polarization, and YLM are the spherical harmonics. [In all of our equations we use atomic units ( $m=e=\hbar=1$, m the mass of the electron, e the charge of the electron, and $\hbar$Planck's constant divided by $2\pi$).] In the summation in Eq. (2), m represents the z component of the angular momentum of the photon, $l_1,\,m_1$ ($l_2,\,m_2$) represent the angular momentum and its z component for the initial (final) electron. We have used the notation of [5] for the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients $\left<LL';MM'\vert LL';JM_J\right>$ and the notation for a spherical vector $(\vec \epsilon)_m$ derived from a Cartesian vector $\vec \epsilon$ (and the corresponding unit vector $\hat \epsilon$)

\begin{eqnarray*}(\vec \epsilon)_m = \left\vert\vec \epsilon\right\vert Y_{1m}(\hat \epsilon).

The bremsstrahlung cross section can then be obtained as

\begin{eqnarray*}{d^3\!\sigma\over dkd\Omega_2d\Omega_1} = {4\pi^{2}\alpha k}
\left\vert M_{fi}^{\rm nrd} \right\vert^2,

where $\alpha=e^2/\hbar c$ is the fine structure constant.

The radial matrix element is written in terms of the radial wave functions as

R_{l_1,l_2}(E_1,E_2) = \int dr\, \phi_{l_2}(E_2;r) \, r \,
\end{displaymath} (4)

We note this radial matrix element is the same as would appear in the partial wave decomposition of the matrix element for absorption of a photon by an electron scattering from an atom or ion - inverse bremsstrahlung. Thus the considerations which follow for this matrix element also apply to the process of inverse bremsstrahlung.

The radial wavefunctions $r^{-1}\phi_l(E;r)$ which enter the radial matrix element Rl1,l2(E1,E2) are defined as the real-valued solutions of the radial Schrödinger equation

{d^2\over dr^2}\phi_l(E;r) - \left[ {l(l+1)\over r^2} + 2V(r) -
2E\right]\phi_l(E;r) = 0,
\end{displaymath} (5)

with the asymptotic forms
$\displaystyle \phi_l(E;r)$ $\textstyle \rightarrow$ $\displaystyle N_l\left({2\over\pi\sqrt{E}}\right)^{1/2}
\sin(pr-\eta_{\rm ion}\ln 2pr-l\pi/2+\delta_l+\sigma_l)
\quad\mbox{as }r\rightarrow\infty,$ (6)
$\displaystyle \phi_l(E;r)$ $\textstyle \rightarrow$ $\displaystyle r^{l+1}
\quad\mbox{as }r\rightarrow 0.$ (7)

The normalization constant Nl is chosen so that, as above, the coefficient of rl+1 near the origin is unity. In the Coulomb case,
$\displaystyle N^{\rm coul}_l = {\Gamma(2l+2)\over
2^le^{-\pi\eta/2}\left\vert\Gamma(l+1+i\eta)\right\vert}.$     (8)

We require that the phase shifts $\delta_l$ and the normalization Nl be continuous functions of energy [6], as are the Coulomb normalization and phase. For most potentials the normalization constant, so defined, will not change sign as a function of energy, since an energy for which Nl=0 would correspond to a bound state in the continuum [6]. Note that, since the photon carries one unit of angular momentum (through the vector $\hat \epsilon$), the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients in Eq. (2) are zero unless $l_2=l_1\pm 1$ and m2=m1+m, as expected in the dipole approximation.

In the following subsections we consider the radial matrix element, Eq. (4), for dipole transitions, as a function of the energies E1 and E2. This matrix element is a continuous function of both E1 and E2 (except when E1=E2), if (as above) we suitably choose the definition of the normalizations of the wavefunctions $\phi_l(E;r)$ [7,8]. Note we have used wavefunctions ($\phi_l$) normalized so that the coefficient of rl+1 in the expansion of $\phi_l(E;r)$ about r=0 is unity. Since this normalization condition is independent of E, Poincaré's theorem [6] applies and the $\phi_l$ are analytic in E. In this way we can be sure that Rl1,l2(E1,E2), as defined above, is analytic except when E1=E2 and that for E real and E>0 the two limiting cases we will consider are limiting cases for Rl1,l2 of the same continuous matrix element [9,8].

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Eoin Carney